Trove Wiki

Trove has multiple slash commands which allow players to change their game settings, acquire information, and perform various other tasks. Commands are entered into the chat window and each command begins with "/", followed by the command name and sometimes a number or string (text). Generally speaking, 1 is on and 0 is off when toggling settings.

NOTE: These commands are open to all users, not just Patron

Gameplay Commands

Command Alias Description Syntax
/loc Displays your current XZY location in chat. /loc
/who Lists players who are in the same world as you. /who
/chatlist Lists players who are in the same chat as you. /chatlist <chatname>
/getxp /xp Displays your current level and the amount of needed XP to level up. /getxp
/friendlist Opens your friendlist (Pressing O also does this). /friendlist
/friend Adds a player to your friend list. /friend <username>
/ignore Adds a player to your ignore list. /ignore <username>
/store Opens the store window (Pressing N also does this). /store
/respawn Forces your character to respawn. /respawn
/showhat Toggles your hat model on and off; keeps stats active. /showhat
/showface Toggles your mask model on and off; keeps stats active. /showface
/quit Forces the game to quit immediately. /quit
/getworldid Gets the "worldID" for the world you are currently in. /getworldid
/joinworld Join the world with the specified ID, e.g. /joinworld 1234. /joinworld <id>
/joinme Sends a request to join your world, the player will then teleport to the requester's current location. /joinme <username>
/tutorial Teleports the player to the Tutorial World. /tutorial
/kick Used in Shadow Arenas by their unlocker to kick players. /kick <username>
/stats Shows some stats from you. /stats
/clear cornerstone Resets your cornerstone back to the default house. Everything on your cornerstone will be deleted after you confirm the clear. /clearcornerstone <slot number>
/mastery Shows some mastery rank stats and experience. /mastery
/welcome Opens up the welcome screen. /welcome
/testarena Allows you to start a PVP match in your club arena without waiting for 10 players. /testarena
/debugtext Displays frames-per-second, latency, and coordinates of the player's location on the top left of the screen. /debugtext
/region Displays current region you're playing on (live-us or live-eu) /region
/dailyclubadventures Displays how many more rewards you can get from completing club quests. /dailyclubadventures

Chat Commands

Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/1 Switches to the global chat. /1
/2 Switches to the world chat. /2
/<number> Switches to battle arena chat (while in battle arena you join a team chat) /<number>
/join Joins or creates another chat channel. If you are already in the target channel, it sets your chat mode to send messages into the channel instead. /join <channelName>
/join /<number> You can simply use the chat channel ID (appears at the very left of a message sent into a channel) to switch over into the respective channel. /join <number>
/leave Leaves a chat channel. /leave <channelName>
/say /s Sends a message to players that are within 40 blocks of range. /say
/whisper /w, /t, /tell Sends a private message to another player; user must be online to receive messages. /whisper <playerName> <message>
/c1 Switches to club 1 chat.
/c2 Switches to club 2 chat. This goes up to club 5 (/c5).
/reply /r Sends a reply to the last whisper you received. This does not apply to messages you've sent but have yet to receive a response to. /reply <message>
/dnd Do Not Disturb, while in dnd mode playersa cannot whisper or invite you. /dnd
/hide Hidden Mode, while in hidden mode you appear offline to other players. /hide


Requires Mastery level 5 to use.

Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/join price Accesses the price chat for price checking. /join price
/join trade Accesses the trade chat to set up trades with other players in the chatroom. /join trade
/join sa Accesses the Shadow Arena (SA) chat to look for groups fighting SAs. (outdated) /join sa
/join st Accesses the Shadow Tower (ST) chat to look for groups fighting STs. /join st
/join ladybug Accesses the farming Ladybug Invaders chat. Useful for finding groups that farm Ladybug Invaders.
/join sky Accesses the Sky channel to set up groups to farm the Sky Realm for Radiant Giants, Radiant Shards, and Crystallized Clouds. /join sky
/join recipe Accesses the Recipe chat to find people willing to share recipe lairs they have found with other players. /join recipe
/join fishing Accesses the fishing chat to find people to fish with. This is useful for getting help catching rare fish. /join fishing
/join dragon Accesses the dragon chat to help find and make groups for the Dracocolatl, Thallasion and Flakbeard world bosses.
/join adventure Accesses the adventure chat to find players and make groups to go out on adventures in Adventure Portals. /join adventure
/join sunlight Accesses to sunlight bulb farming chat.Useful for finding groups that farm sunlight bulb and teleport to giant sunflower structures with bulbs growing over them /join sunlight
/join challenge Accesses to a big group that is doing the current challenge. /join challenge
/join build Accesses to a chat for builders. Useful to share your builds with other builders or to assemble a build team. /join


/join club Accesses to the club chat which is great for club recruitment or if your looking to join a club. /join


/join music Accesses to a chat for the musicians of Trove to share their latest songs or to help teach others how to make some music in Trove. /join music
/join reddit Accesses to a chat for people from the Trove subreddit. /join




Accesses to a chat for people who want to make friends. /join


/join mining Accesses to a chat for people who want to go mining with other players. Is useful for group mining. /join




Accesses to a chat for people who want to go sailing with other people or are looking for merchant ships in adventure worlds. /join


/join minigames Accesses to a chat for people who want to host minigames or play minigames. /join minigames
/join francais Accesses to a chat for french speaking people. /join


/join espanol Accesses to a chat for spanish speaking people. /join




Accesses to a chat for portuguese speaking people. /join




Accesses to a chat for Russian speaking people. /join




Accesses to a top 100 club (Xbox one) /join



Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/sit Makes your character sit. /sit
/pose Places your character into a battle-ready stance. (Also displays your currently equipped wings). /pose
/epicpose Places your character along with your trusty mount into a truly epic stance. /epicpose
/zzz /sleep Makes your character sleep (This also activates automatically if you are AFK for 2 minutes). /zzz
/wave Makes your character wave his hand. /wave
/dance Makes your character dance. /dance
/laugh Makes your character laugh. /laugh
/cry Makes your character cry. /cry
/shrug Makes your character shrug. /shrug
/bow Makes your character bow. /bow
/prance Makes Princess Prancy Prance prance. Exclusive only to people riding the mount. /prance
/stomp Makes Princey Mcevilface stomp. Exclusive only to people riding the mount. /stomp


Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/club Lists all club commands. /club
/club invite Invites a player to the club chosen. /club invite <playerName> <clubName>
/club list Shows all current members of a club. /club list
/club leave Leaves a club. /club leave
/club promote Grants a player in your club a promotion. The chain goes from Member (default), to Architect (can build in default club worlds), to Officer (club management, such as inviting, demoting, promoting, and kicking), and Leader (can demote anyone and build anywhere). Promotion/Demotion/Kick/Invite messages are shown to all club members. /club promote <playerName>
/club demote Demotes a player in the club. /club demote <playerName>
/club kick  Removes a player from the club. /club kick <playerName>
/club makeprimary Give priority to the chosen club over the others. /club makeprimary
/club log Displays the most recent edits to the club world and its inventories. /club log <clubName>
/zonerestrict Make a zone of a club world restricted to specific ranks. /zonerestrict <member|architect|officer|nobody>
/renameworld <new name> Renames the club world (this also fixes club world that are set to "Default" for people who have bugged club worlds).

Battle Arena

Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/getbattleboxinfo See the current time toward your next Battle Box. /getbattleboxinfo
/testarena Force start a PvP match with the current players in the waiting hub. Forcing a match will test the map however no Battle EXP will be gained after the match is finished. /testarena


Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/hideplayer Hides your character model. /hideplayer
/showplayer Shows your character model. /showplayer
/screenshot Stores a screenshot in your Trove folder; this does not include the UI. /screenshot
/large_screenshot  Stores a screenshot whose size is double the normal resolution to four files, and each individual screenshot is a fourth of the screen. Add two parameters to save more tiles (i.e.; /large_screenshot 3 3). /large_screenshot [arg1] [arg2]
/timelapse Captures screenshots over a period of time; uses the camera angle from where the command is started; the minimum delay is 5 and the default delay is 20. /timelapse [delay]
/showui Toggles the UI on/off; not recommended; use F7 instead. /showui <1|0>
/epicpose Summons your mount, removes the UI, and allows you to select the pose of your character before taking a screenshot. /epicpose

Meta Forge

NOTE: MOST commands listed here are used only in the Metaforge and will not work in the normal game.

Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/mf Brings you to the metaforager. 
NOTE: once you use this command, you must restart to exit Metaforge.
/weaponpreview /wp Lets you test what a weapon blueprint looks like in-game.
(works outside of Metaforge)
/weaponpreview <blueprint>i
/hairpreview Previews hair creations.
(works outside of Metaforge)
/hairpreview <blueprint>i
/hatpreview Previews hat creations.
(works outside of Metaforge)
/hatpreview <blueprint>i
/facepreview Previews face decoration creations.
(works outside of Metaforge)
/facepreview <blueprint>i
/decopreview Previews cornerstone decoration creations. /decopreview <blueprint>i
/load Loads a blueprint. /load <filename>ii
/save Saves a blueprint (You may also use /save after loading a blueprint to save over the last loaded blueprint). /save <filename>ii
/wadd Adds a prefab to your inventory. The # is optional and specifies amount to be added, the default is 1. These can be found in <GameInstall>iv \Prefabs and its subfolders. /wadd <prefab>iii [#]
/dungeon Used to preview a fully-assembled dungeon. /dungeon <filename>ii
/settime Adjusts the phase of the daylight cycle. The maximum value is 24. /settime [0-24]
/timelapsedungeon Show your dungeon being assembled for troubleshooting purposes. /timelapsedungeon <filename>ii
/stoptimelapsedungeon Cancels or stops the /timelapsedungeon progression. /stoptimelapsedungeon
/floodfill Replaces all connected blocks of the type your cursor is over with the one you have equipped (like the paint bucket in MS Paint). /floodfill

i Where <blueprint> is the name of your blueprint. eg. /wp mysuperawesomegun,

ii Where <filename> is the path to a blueprint file. eg. /load D:\Trove\DungeonRoom1,

iii Where <prefab> is the relative path to a blueprint file eg. /wadd placeable\mechanical\track for <GameInstall>iv \prefabs\placeable\mechanical\track.binfab

iv Where <GameInstall> is the folder Trove is installed in. 

Mods (Mod Loader and Steam Workshop)

Command Alias Description Syntax
/buildmod Creates a .tmod file out of the modded files located in override folders. /buildmod title="<title>" author="<author>" notes="<notes>" preview="<preview>"
/workshop upload Uploads a mod to Steam Workshop. /workshop upload title="<title>*" author="<author>" changes="<notes>" tags="<tags>"

*title must match the name of the .tmod file or it will not upload.


Command Label Description Syntax (Usage)
/drawdistance Changes your render distance; ranges from 32 to 210; default is 128. /drawdistance <newDistance>
/fxenable Toggles on or off a few special effects, including clouds. /fxenable <1|0>
/msaa Toggles on or off MSAA (Multisample Anti-Aliasing). /msaa <1|0>
/postfxaa Toggles on or off FXAA (Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing). /postfxaa <1|0>
/postbloom Toggles on or off the bloom effect. Bloom is a minor effect, which most systems can handle fairly well - it will put a glow of luminance around visual effects, such as the Gunslinger's shots, the Shadow Hunter's arrows, or the Neon Ninja's swipes. While it is a very subtle effect, it is very easy to get used to. /postbloom <1|0>
/postdof Toggles on or off the depth of field effect. This will blur objects that are too close or too far from the camera. Huge culprit of FPS issues. /postdof <1|0>
/postedge Toggles on or off the black borders around objects; may not work properly. /postedge <1|0>
/postlensflare Toggle on or off the lens flare effect. This is most notably visible by looking at the sun. /postlensflare <1|0>
/shadercomplexity Toggles various shader effects; lower values will make it difficult to see in low light areas. The effect on performance is determined by the quality of your graphics card. /shadercomplexity <1|0>
/supersample Sets overall rendering strength; default is 1 (100%); 0 sets 50%, 4 sets 200%, and 10 sets 300%. Supersampling can be seen as an alternative to anti-aliasing - it will render the screen at 1, 2, 3, or 4 times as large as the window in which you are viewing it (native resolution if fullscreen) and, if necessary, compress it down to fit your screen. This uses an ungodly amount of processing power, so it's not recommended. /supersample <1|0|number>
/vsync Toggles on or off the vsync (vertical sync) mechanic. Vsync will limit your framerate to your monitor's refresh rate (for most monitors, 60, but some have 120) to prevent different portions of your screen from displaying different frames at once, otherwise known as "screen tearing". /vsync <1|0>
/loddistance Increases or decreases LOD distance. (valid values 15-96, default is 60). /loddistance <number>
/retromode Toggles on or off 16-bit graphics; sets the supersampling to 25% and appears to limit the colors on screen. Gives a small FPS boost, but not recommended, since it's difficult to see anything. /retromode


Command Label Description Syntax (Usage)
/mastervolume Set the game main volume between 0 and 100; default is 25. /mastervolume <value>
/gamevolume Set the game main volume between 0 and 100; default is unknown. /gamevolume <value>

Unusable Commands

Command Label Alias Description Syntax (Usage)
/teleport Teleportation, but does not work for regular players. /teleport <x> <y> <z>
/uiscale Increases or decreases size of UI; may not work properly. /uiscale <number>